Order Confirmation Investor

Thank you for your listing order. We have received it and will add this order to your account.

When you’re ready to list a property, here’s the process:

  1. Listing Data: Head to www.MLSStart.com (or click the “Next” Button below) to give us the property details for each listing.
  2. Photos: Head to www.MLSPhotoUpload.com to send us your photos for each listing.
  3. Disclosures: You’ll receive a DocuSign for the property disclosures for each listing address you submit. Once you complete them, we will add them to the listing profile.
  4. Listing Documents: Once we have your property details, photos, and disclosures, we will email and text you to let you know when your listing documents are ready to review.
  5. Next Steps: Once you approve your listing documents, we will advise you of the next few steps.
  6. Bells and Whistles: If at any time you wish to view potential add-ons or upgrades for your listing, you may see every available option on our Upgrade Site.

We look forward to working with you on many more properties. As always, let us know if you have any questions.

Again, Thank you!

Glen, Justin, and Taysia
Ohio Property Group, LLC


We’ve sent instructions to complete your listing via email and text. You are free to navigate away from this page. 


To continue the listing process, please click the “Next” button below. To purchase more listings, you may click the “Back” button instead.

Have questions? Please email us at support@ohiomlsflatfee.com.
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