Glen's Blog

A collection of 20+ years of real estate experience offering insights, adivce, and the occasional joke.

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Ohio Property Group Glen Whitten Dual Agency Trap Blog Post

Flat Fee vs Traditional 6% Model Round 4: The Dual Agency Trap

Welcome to Round #4 in the Traditional Real Estate Vs Flat Fee heavy-weight fight: The Dual Agency Trap. In previous rounds, we covered the flaws in the traditional real estate model, including the 6% commission, one-size-fits-all service approach, and the turnover/training paradox. Today, we dive into Flaw #4: The Dual Agency Trap, which is perhaps the most upsetting of all. This practice is damaging to buyers and sellers but highly beneficial to Realtors, which is why it persists despite its harm to consumers.

Flat Fee vs Traditional 6% Model Round 3: Turnover vs. Training

In this post, Broker Glen Whitten of the Ohio Property Group and examines the third big flaw in the traditional Realtor model: The Turnover vs Training paradox. He shows how their firm’s family approach, deep commitment to training, and extreme niche service model keep them ahead of all competition and their sellers in the Sold column.

picture of a boxing ring with an aging boxer facing a young fighter in top condition.

Flat Fee vs Traditional 6% Model Round 1: The Commission

In a new series, we break down the fundamental flaws with the Traditional 6% real estate model and compare it to the Flat Fee Unbundled approach used by the Ohio Property Group and Come along for the ride and see why change is on the horizon.

Yard sign that says "Realtors...You're welcome. Love, Glen"

I don’t charge 6% to sell homes. Realtors…you’re welcome.

In the wake of a groundbreaking $1.8 Billion verdict against the National Association of Realtors and several large brokerages, I believe they should have called me to the stand.
If NAR lost because the jury felt 6% was the only option, this website,, is the perfect defense. Discover why we feel our model IS the future of real estate and how it saves sellers money, time, and headaches.

Image of a house with a dollar sign on the face representing realtor commissions with a large gavel beginning to smash the house and dollar sign

Lawsuits Against Realtors Are Long Overdue

In a monumental shift, home sellers are taking a stand against real estate commissions that have long felt disproportionate and opaque. The recent legal actions against the National Association of Realtors and established brokerages signal a long-overdue call for transparency. This movement isn’t just a tremor – it’s an industry quake reshaping the bedrock of traditional commissions, with implications that could empower sellers like never before. Dive into our comprehensive look at these lawsuits and the pivotal changes they may bring, or watch our detailed video for a closer examination.

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5 ways to price your home

Pricing a house doesn’t have to be a guessing game. Discover the best methods to determine the right price for your home sale. Explore options like searching local comps, getting a Realtor’s Competitive Market Analysis, hiring an appraiser, or even considering an auction. Plus, find out how Automated Value Models

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Photography for real estate fsbo and flat fee mls listings

Do Professional Photos Help You Sell Faster?

Like Realtors, professional photographers tend to make beginners feel incompetent with their “free advice” that instead of building your know-how and confidence, you end up walking away with a pit in your stomach. Allow me to sum up all their advice in four words: “You suck. Hire me”.

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Talking Realty Podcast Episode 8: Emotions Are Expensive

Home sellers…emotions are expensive

<meta itemprop="description" content="In this episode of Talking Realty, we dive into Office Truth #3: "Emotions are Expensive." Join Glen Whitten as he shares real-life stories illustrating how emotions can lead to costly decisions in real estate
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Glen Whitten on home pricing in Ohio

<meta itemprop="description" content="In this episode of the Talking Realty Podcast, Glen Whitten, founder of the Ohio Property Group, delves into 'Truth Number One: The Market Never Lies.' He explains why pricing a home
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Ohio Open House

How to hold a real estate open house

Unlock the potential of open houses with our expert playbook. Get insights on when and how long to host your open house, leveraging social media for promotion, and providing clear instructions for buyers to make offers. Don’t miss this opportunity to maximize your home’s exposure and enhance your selling experience.

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Is the hot seller market cooling off?

As the housing market continues to evolve, it’s essential to reflect on trends and lessons learned. Much like the fashion trends of the past, real estate markets can change, and expectations should remain grounded. In the current hot market, maintaining realistic pricing and market-savvy strategies is key to success. Learn

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Seller Beware in Ohio

Let the SELLER Beware of Appraisals & Inspections

In the world of real estate, we often hear ‘caveat emptor,’ or ‘let the buyer beware.’ But what about sellers? It’s time to introduce ‘caveat venditor’—let the seller beware. In today’s market, sellers face unique challenges, from appraisal issues to inspection demands. Learn how to protect your interests and navigate

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Seller Beware in Ohio

Let the SELLER Beware of Appraisals & Inspections

In the world of real estate, we often hear ‘caveat emptor,’ or ‘let the buyer beware.’ But what about sellers? It’s time to introduce ‘caveat venditor’—let the seller beware. In today’s market, sellers face unique challenges, from appraisal issues to inspection demands. Learn how to protect your interests and navigate

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Why Isn’t My Home Selling?

Discover the common reasons why homes don’t sell and how to fix them. Our guide covers pricing, staging, marketing, and other essential factors to help you sell your home quickly and efficiently. Read on to learn more!

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Is the hot seller market cooling off?

As the housing market continues to evolve, it’s essential to reflect on trends and lessons learned. Much like the fashion trends of the past, real estate markets can change, and expectations should remain grounded. In the current hot market, maintaining realistic pricing and market-savvy strategies is key to success. Learn from the past and adapt for a prosperous real estate journey.

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If your home isn’t selling, it’s overpriced. (period)

A seller asks Glen what to do about lowering their price. Glen responds with the cold hard truth…as usual. Learn why your home may not be selling and how pricing it correctly is the key to a successful sale. Is your home not selling? Learn why it might be overpriced and what you can do to fix it. Get expert tips from Ohio MLS Flat Fee, your trusted real estate partner.

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Seller Beware in Ohio

Let the SELLER Beware of Appraisals & Inspections

In the world of real estate, we often hear ‘caveat emptor,’ or ‘let the buyer beware.’ But what about sellers? It’s time to introduce ‘caveat venditor’—let the seller beware. In today’s market, sellers face unique challenges, from appraisal issues to inspection demands. Learn how to protect your interests and navigate this seller’s market with confidence.

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Dealing with low offers on Ohio Homes

How to handle low ball offers on your home

As an experienced broker, I hate presenting lowball offers. Sellers often forget the ‘don’t shoot the messenger’ rule when they see one. Let’s dive into expert tips for dealing with lowball offers on your home effectively. Don’t settle for less than your home’s true value.

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